Conflict Researcher – Abuja – Amnesty International

JOB PURPOSE: As Amnesty International’s expert on conflict and human rights crises in Nigeria, including situations of armed conflict, massive civilian displacement, or large-scale killing, to lead on the development and implementation of overarching research and campaigning strategies. Essential tasks include conducting research / investigations, writing reports, briefings and press releases, engaging on press work, and advocacy – all in difficult and often dangerous circumstances and with pressing deadlines. The conflict researcher will also be responsible for playing a key role in addressing security issues and conflict research methodology for Nigeria.

AI NIGERIA PURPOSE: Amnesty International Nigeria is a national human rights entity that is part of a global human rights movement, established to address national human rights priorities as well as create the possibility for people in Nigeria to join Amnesty International’s global human rights campaigns. Our mission in Nigeria is to address pertinent national human rights issues through research, campaigning and human rights education, and to empower Nigerians to take action on issues that matter to them through AI’s international human rights movement; and to leverage Nigeria’s influence regionally and globally to promote human rights domestically, bilaterally and internationally.

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PURPOSE: We campaign for meaningful human rights change; enable effective human rights activism and work to persuade governments and other actors to uphold universal human rights standards.

Reporting to: Director, Nigeria National Office
Posts that this job manages: This post has no line management responsibility. However, the researcher participates in coordinating the work of the team, other participants in research and campaigning projects, temporary staff and team volunteers and relevant staff within the movement.
Other key relationships: The conflict researcher works in close collaboration with the campaigner and other posts in the national office, as well as posts in the International Secretariat and in the Amnesty International movement as relevant.

• Amnesty International Nigeria’s point person in responding to crises. This includes being on stand-by for immediate deployment to areas of conflict to carry out research and advocacy; produces briefings, reports and press releases of the highest standards against tight deadlines. To organize and lead field research in specific crisis situations and other missions, acting as head of delegation, leading specifically on information-gathering, fact-finding, analysis and assessment of conflict and human rights crises; provide security advice and risk assessments and security plans for missions.
• To monitor, research, investigate and analyse human rights-related developments in order to provide timely, accurate, independent and impartial assessments and expert advice on conflict and human rights crises in Nigeria.
• Together with the Campaigner, devise and implement advocacy and campaigning strategies for addressing the abuses documented, including by targeting parties to the conflict, influential institutions and governments
• To represent Amnesty International to external stakeholders, including in governmental, inter-governmental and various public forums, as well as to all forms of news media, civil society organizations and political, economic and other actors; and to communicate Amnesty International’s concerns, positions and, where relevant, campaign strategies to external and internal stakeholders.
• To develop and maintain effective constituencies of public and confidential contacts and partners in and outside the organization – such as human rights activists, members of legal and other professions, UN agencies and governmental representatives – to optimize information gathering and verification and the development and implementation of effective strategies and plans.
• To write reports and other materials for publication and internal use and contribute to and provide expert advice in relation to written and other materials produced by other staff within AI Nigeria, as well in the International Secretariat and in the Amnesty International movement as relevant
• Respond to breaking developments which are deemed strategically important, including conducting research and producing written materials such as press releases in short-time frames.
• To contribute to the development and maintenance of an effective and secure information management system.
• In consultation with management, to participate in coordinating the work of the team, including through setting priorities, preparing work plans, monitoring their progress and contributing to maintaining basic budgets.
• To contribute to the overall flexibility of resource use and provide cover for other staff as agreed with management.
• To perform all necessary administrative tasks to ensure effective self-servicing, participate in the recruitment and induction of new staff and consultants and perform other corporate tasks as appropriate.

A successful Conflict Researcher will have conducted timely crisis response field missions, researching and generating prompt documentary and media outputs, acting as the organization’s visible, front-line representative; will have developed and implemented an effective and deliverable strategy on conflict and human rights crises in Nigeria; produced, implemented, monitored and evaluated related action plans within set deadlines; practiced rigorous analysis and identified critical issues in a timely fashion; maintained and developed effective networks and written high quality reports and other materials for publication and internal use; and effectively represented Amnesty International and communicated its key messages.
They will have contributed to the effective functioning of the team, and to the implementation of Amnesty International’s mission, upholding Amnesty International’s values at all times.

• Extensive experience of working in conflict-affected areas, undertaking field research in conflict situations in Nigeria and interviewing victims and witnesses; excellent awareness of security issues and ability to handle them appropriately.
• Knowledge of international humanitarian law, both theory and practice, and good knowledge of international human rights law.
• Substantial knowledge of the operations of the military, security forces and humanitarian IGOs and NGOs.
• Ability to represent AI as a spokesperson to national and international media, government, parliamentary and military officials, and humanitarian organizations, and communicate the organization’s messages effectively through a variety of media.
• Excellent writing skills: demonstrated ability to express ideas in a fluent, clear and concise way, both orally and in writing, in English. Knowledge of Hausa is preferable.
• Proven experience of writing high-quality investigative reports and other materials for a variety of audiences, together with an understanding of the importance of tailoring materials for various target audiences including through digital channels.
• Proven experience in using secure communications and excellent knowledge of digital security.
• Excellent political judgment and substantial experience of exercising judgment in conflict and crisis situations.
• Experience of dealing appropriately and ethically with a variety of people, including survivors of human rights abuses and others who may be distressed, employing sensitivity and discretion when dealing with gender-related investigations, such as research on sexual violence.
• Experience of working within a team, understanding the importance of efficient support and communications for the coordination and effective functioning of teams, particularly in dangerous and/or high pressure situations.
• Experience of managing conflicting demands, meeting deadlines and adjusting priorities in high pressure circumstances. Maintains personal effectiveness by managing own emotions in the face of pressure, setbacks or when dealing with provocative situations.
• Ability and willingness to undertake personal administrative tasks in accordance with AI’s guidelines on self-servicing;
• Demonstrated commitment to human rights, e.g. through previous work, membership of an organization, involvement in advocacy on human rights.
• Exceptional speaking skills and able to represent Amnesty International Nigeria in public events and fundraising activities.
• Understanding of equal opportunities, cultural diversity and gender issues as well as a commitment to apply relevant policies.
• Ability to work and communicate in at least one major Nigerian language is highly desirable.

Competency: Level: (A, B or C)
Delivering results – level B
Working with others – level A
Developing oneself and others – level B
Contributing to a dynamic, effective Nigeria National Office– level B
Making decisions – level B
Taking the initiative – level C
Communicating and influencing – level C/B

Equality and diversity is at the core of our values and staff are expected to work collectively and individually to promote a constructive and sensitive approach to others from a variety of backgrounds, where the work of others is valued and respected.

Public or other activity, affiliation to or support for any group or organization, personal association or other factor which may generate a real or perceived conflict of interest with Amnesty International’s principles (specifically independence and impartiality), or raise a security concern, or otherwise prevent the candidate from carrying out key functions of the specific post and would therefore disqualify the candidate from being appointed.

To apply, please also answer the following questions regarding your suitability for this position (please include your answers in the body of your email for the application):
• Have you carried out substantial field research, in a professional role, where you were the/a lead researcher? [YES/NO]
• Please describe briefly three research/investigative pieces of work you have done, using the following headings: the objective of the research, the methodology you used, the fieldwork done, how you verified information, the time you spent on desk and field work and your specific role in the work Please send the answers to the above quesstion, your CV and a cover letter outlining your suitability

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